Chiropractors are specialists in diagnosis and conservative treatment and management of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractors are trained to treat spinal and other joint related conditions and injuries:
Lower back pain or upper back pain can vary from mild to quite severe. Back pain can occur for a number of reasons related to poor posture, osteoarthritis and degenerative conditions. Other common types of back pain can include:
- Disc herniation (slipped disc)
- Pinched nerves and facet joint syndromes
- Muscle strains and myofascial trigger points
- Spinal stenosis
Problems in the lower back can also refer pain to the buttocks and legs, this is known as sciatica. Chiropractic adjustments are used to treat back pain and chiropractic treatments are recognized as one of the most cost-effective treatment options for lower back pain.
Neck and shoulder pain is common in most people and can sometimes result in headaches or migraines. Office or desk jobs which involve working in front of a computer all day can put a lot of strain on the muscles in the neck and shoulders. Other causes of neck pain can include:
- Whiplash
- Osteoarthritis and degenerative conditions
- Myofascial trigger points
- Pinched nerves and facet joint syndromes
- Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
- Upper crossed syndrome
Most neck ailments can easily be managed with chiropractic treatment.
There are many types of headaches that can be subdivided into common groups:
- Tension headaches
- Migraines
- Cluster headaches
- Cervicogenic Headaches
- Traumatic, systemic or pathologic headaches
Chiropractors typically treat headaches that have a musculoskeletal component. These are called cervicogenic headaches and present as pain referred from the neck or occiput. Cervicogenic headaches respond very well to chiropractic treatments which can include adjustments to the neck and releasing tight muscles with various soft tissue modalities such as massage or dry needling.
Shoulder injuries
Shoulder injuries can occur as a result of sports or from muscle imbalances in and around the shoulder and upper torso. Poor posture can also put a lot of strain on the shoulder joint which can result in chronic impingement syndromes. Some examples of shoulder injuries are:
- Rotator cuff strains
- Impingement syndromes
- Tendinitis and tendinosis
- Frozen shoulder
- AC joint sprains
- Labral Tears
Problems in the shoulder can often lead to issues in the neck and upper back as a result of compensatory changes in posture and biomechanics. Chiropractors can assist with these type of complaints.
ELBOW & WRIST injuries
Some common injuries to the elbow can include:
- Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
- Golfers Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
- Ligament sprain
- Bursitis
Treatment for elbow pain can include chiropractic adjustments to the affected area, dry needling, soft tissue therapy and IASTM/FAKTR.
Injuries to the lower leg, ankle, and foot are usually seen with high impact activities such as running.
Some injuries in the lower leg and foot can include:
- Ankle sprains
- Shin splints
- Muscle strains
- Plantar fasciitis
Chiropractors address these ailments from a biomechanical correction view.
Biopuncture is a treatment technique that uses biotherapeutic injectable medicine to regulate natural healing, regulate and modulate inflammatory processes and stimulate the detoxification processes of the body to accomplish and accelerate healing.
Most of the remedies originates from plants and minerals in homeopathic form. Their aim is to stimulate self-healing by “waking up” the body’s own natural healing mechanisms.
The goal of Biopuncture is not to supress, but to support the natural inflammatory processes. It is important to remember that short periods of acute inflammation are required to facilitate healing. Long periods (chronic) of inflammation cause breakdown and degeneration. So, no Biopuncture is not a pain killer or anti-inflammatory as is used in conventional medicine. In some cases, the pain may initially aggravate slightly or even shift to other or nearby areas.
Biopuncture is mostly used for minor orthopaedic and musculoskeletal problems, including but not limited to neck pain, back pain, sciatica, sprains & strains, frozen shoulder, tendonitis
It is also commonly used in chronic degenerative conditions including:
- osteoarthritis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- intervertebral disc degeneration
- bony spurs
Sport chiropractic
Athletes who make regular use of Chiropractic, notice improved recovery, decreased injury and most noticeably an improvement in performance!
Our goal as Chiropractors is to restore and maintain full mechanical and neurological function to the athlete throughout the his or her preparation or event.
With the excessive strain that athlete’s bodies are subjected to during preparation or events , it’s imperative to make sure that the nervous system is firing and functioning optimally to produce that perfect performance. Research showed improved athletic performance following Chiropractic care.
paediatric chiropractic
Chiropractic treatment of babies is very different to that of adults.
The Chiropractic treatment is very gentle with minor spinal manipulation and holding technique. This type of treatment have major beneficial effects on the nervous system and musculoskeletal system of a developing infant.
Research has shown that Chiropractic treatment is especially effective in the management of colic. Chiropractic has shown beneficial for back pain, torticollis, neurological development and some breastfeeding difficulties.
Scoliosis & kyphosis
Scoliosis or kyphosis are abnormal bendings or twisting deformations of the spine. In mild cases, scoliosis can be functional and due to posture and muscle imbalances and can usually be corrected with strengthening exercises and stretching.
More severe cases will usually require bracing or surgery to correct if conservative treatment has failed. Conservative treatment received from Chiropractors for scoliosis or kyphosis can include chiropractic spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy as well as therapeutic exercises. Dr. Marlo has extended his knowledge in scoliosis and completed his training in the SpineCor scoliosis dynamic bracing as an additional non-surgical treatment option for moderate scoliosis and kyphosis.